Thursday, February 5, 2009

Hawaii - Part 2

When we arrived at the resort they gave us leis. These pictures are just some I took while walking around the resort.

This is the backside of the resort.

These condos were next door to our resort.


mandy said...

Beautiful pictures! You look so pretty. I am happy for you and a little jealous for me. Looks like such a fun vacation.

The Wynn Family said...

I LOVE the smell of the leis. Your picutures are great.

Callie said...

gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous! And that includes YOU!

Michelle and Cal said...

I had no idea you even went to Hawaii. I knew you went to a conference, but! Looks like you had a wonderful time.

Brenbren said...

a few things... one you're hair is SUPER cute curly like that. Second that very last picture of the flower- I want a copy. When did you turn into such a photographer? I am doing something with flowers for Natalie. I am not sure what, but it will be fabulous so I am collecting pictures!

Hayley Nelson Potter said...

This trip looks amazing. The resort area is beautiful, great pictures.

Garn said...

how fun...we are so jealous.

Blanchards said...

You lucky suckers! Although, Shane does put in 25-30 hours a week...he deserves a good vacation! I am glad you guys had fun. We love you!

Mike and Kerry said...

What wonderful pictures of Maui! We are actually headed there soon too and seeing your pictures just made me want to go tomorrow! We can't wait to see you guys! I'll talk to you soon!